Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Introduction into GPU programming.
II. Exception safe dynamic memory handling in Cuda project.
III. Calculation of partial sums in parallel.
IV. Manipulation of piecewise polynomial functions in parallel.
1. History of changes (PiecewisePoly).
2. Calculus behind the PiecewisePoly project.
3. Code structure (PiecewisePoly project).
4. Python scripting for PiecewisePoly project.
V. Manipulation of localized piecewise polynomial functions in parallel.
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Calculus behind the PiecewisePoly project.

he calculus, associated with piecewise polynomial manipulation, is covered in the section ( Calculus behind the poly module ). The results are implemented and tested in the Python "poly" module. In this section we derive a formula for convolution of piecewise polynomials in the case of the formula ( Piecewise polynomial representation ).

We start from the proposition ( Convolution of polynomials 1 ). Let MATH where the notation $\Delta_{d,a}$ was introduced in the section ( Wavelet analysis ) and $a,b\in\QTR{cal}{Z}$ . In the notation of the proposition ( Convolution of polynomials 1 ), MATH Then MATH MATH Note that MATH MATH and we arrive to MATH MATH

Let MATH then MATH We make the change of summation index $j\rightarrow p=i+j$ , $j=p-i$ then MATH We change the order of summation, see the picture ( Order of summation 5 ).

Order of summation 5
Order of summation 5

We have MATH MATH MATH We make the change $t=p+1$ in the second term. MATH MATH We summarize our findings so far.


(Convolution of polynomials 3) Let MATH then MATH MATH where MATH

The integrals MATH may be evaluated using the proposition ( Convolution of polynomials 2 ). Let MATH then MATH and we apply the proposition ( Convolution of polynomials 2 ) with $\alpha_{2}=0$ , $\beta_{2}=2^{-d}i$ , $\alpha_{1}=1$ , $\beta_{1}=-2^{-d}j$ . MATH We perform a similar calculation for MATH : MATH thus MATH We continue MATH MATH

We summarize our recipe for calculation of convolution.


(Convolution of polynomials 4) Let MATH for MATH , MATH , MATH .


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Copyright 2007