Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Introduction into GPU programming.
II. Exception safe dynamic memory handling in Cuda project.
III. Calculation of partial sums in parallel.
IV. Manipulation of piecewise polynomial functions in parallel.
1. History of changes (PiecewisePoly).
2. Calculus behind the PiecewisePoly project.
3. Code structure (PiecewisePoly project).
4. Python scripting for PiecewisePoly project.
V. Manipulation of localized piecewise polynomial functions in parallel.
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Code structure (PiecewisePoly project).

he following is a prototype for the main class.

class Poly {


typedef CoeffType::type real;


class Impl;

boost::shared_ptr<Impl> theImpl;



Poly( const Poly& x );

Poly& operator=( const Poly& x );

Poly( const boost::python::object& params, const boost::python::object& coeffs );

Poly( const Piece& spt, int degree );

Poly( int d, int a, int b, int degree );

Poly( const Piece& spt, int degree, ots::cuda::memory::Host2D<real> coeffs );

Poly( int d, int a, int b, int degree, ots::cuda::memory::Host2D<real> coeffs );

real operator() ( real x ) const;

boost::python::object batch( const boost::python::object& x ) const;

std::string toString() const;

Piece support() const;

int degree() const;

Poly upscale( unsigned deltaD ) const;

Poly segment( const Piece& p ) const;

std::size_t len() const;

Poly mult( real x ) const;

Poly mult( const Poly& x ) const;

Poly add( const Poly& x ) const;

Poly sub( const Poly& x ) const;

real integral() const;

real integral( const Piece& p ) const;

Poly pow( unsigned n ) const;

Poly T( int k ) const;

Poly S( unsigned d ) const;

Poly Op( unsigned d, int k ) const;

Poly convolution( const Poly& x ) const;

Poly D() const;

boost::python::object description() const;

Poly Cr() const;


This class is functional in the Regular compiler scope and was exported in Python shell. The function "batch" performs parallel calculation of several values given by a Python list. The function "upscale" returns the same function but on a finer mesh. The function "segment" restricts to a given interval. The T,S are operations from the section ( Wavelet analysis ) and the Op is the combination of the two. The D is the differentiation. The Cr is the crudification operator, see the definition ( Crudification operator ). The rest is self-explanatory.

Implementation of every function is similar. We consider the function "add" as an example. The following is the part of the poly.cpp (Regular compiler scope).

class Poly::Impl : boost::noncopyable


ots::cuda::memory::Device<int> theParams;

ots::cuda::memory::Host<int> theParams2; //kept synchronized with theParams

ots::cuda::memory::Device2D<real> theCoeffs;

static const int theParamSize=5;

int getD() const { return theParams2.get(0); }

int getA() const { return theParams2.get(1); }

int getB() const { return theParams2.get(2); }

int getDegree() const { return theParams2.get(3); }

int getScale() const { return theParams2.get(4); }


Poly add( const Poly& x ) const


Piece spt=support();

Piece spt2=x.support();

if( spt2.d()>spt.d() ) return upscale(spt2.d()-spt.d()).add(x);

Poly xx;

if( spt2.d()<spt.d() ) xx=x.upscale(spt.d()-spt2.d()); else xx=x;

Poly r(support().Union(xx.support()),std::max(getDegree(),x.degree()));









return r; }



Poly Poly::add( const Poly& x ) const { return theImpl->add(x); }

The function impl::add::act is implemented in the Host compiler scope as follows.

void act(

indexes params1, reals2 coeffs1,

indexes params2, reals2 coeffs2,

indexes paramsR, reals2 coeffsR



if( coeffsR.rows()>0 )





check( de::isOk(), "prior device error" );









check( de::isOk(), "device error generated" );



Finally, the function impl::add::act_ does the actual work (Device compiler scope).

__global__ void act_(

indexes params1_, reals2 coeffs1_,

indexes params2_, reals2 coeffs2_,

indexes paramsR_, reals2 coeffsR_



Indexes params1(params1_);

Reals2 coeffs1(coeffs1_);

Indexes params2(params2_);

Reals2 coeffs2(coeffs2_);

Indexes paramsR(paramsR_);

Reals2 coeffsR(coeffsR_);

index th=kernel::threadId();

if( !coeffsR.isValidRowIndex(th) ) return;

Reals _R=coeffsR.getRow(th);


index a1=polyParams::a(params1);

index a2=polyParams::a(params2);

index aR=polyParams::a(paramsR);

index loc=aR+th;

index th1=loc-a1;

index th2=loc-a2;

if( coeffs1.isValidRowIndex(th1) )


Reals src=coeffs1.getRow(th1);

index sz=min(_R.size(),src.size());

for( index p=0; p<sz; ++p )



if( coeffs2.isValidRowIndex(th2) )


Reals src=coeffs2.getRow(th2);

index sz=min(_R.size(),src.size());

for( index p=0; p<sz; ++p )




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Copyright 2007