Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Motivation and design (PFE).
II. Installation of the Python for Excel.
III. Tutorial introduction into the Python for Excel.
1. Stability guarantee.
2. PythonForExcel ControlShell.
3. What to do if the connection to Excel from the ControlShell is lost or if the prompt "waits" for too long.
4. Possible littering of memory with orphaned Excel processes.
5. In-cell execution of Python statements.
6. Calling Python from VBA.
7. Calling VBA from Python.
8. Debugging with Python for Excel.
9. Unicode support.
10. Deactivation of Python for Excel.
11. Very important note about pfe-script execution.
IV. PFE Programmer's reference.
Index. Contents.

Stability guarantee.

ython for Excel is a development tool. This means that PFE's user can crash Excel if this tool is used incorrectly. To clarify, the following guarantee is given: "Any function of Python for Excel that is named as a function of VBA for Excel has the same safety properties."

Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007