Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Motivation and design (PFE).
II. Installation of the Python for Excel.
1. How to confirm that the PFE did properly install?
2. What to do if the PythonForExcel ControlShell does not activate?
3. The otsPythonForExcel.xla is registered among the Excel add-ins but the ControlShell still does not activate.
4. The Excel macros are operational but the ControlShell still does not activate.
III. Tutorial introduction into the Python for Excel.
IV. PFE Programmer's reference.
Index. Contents.

Installation of the Python for Excel.

utomated installers for Python versions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 32 bit Windows may be downloaded from http://www.opentradingsystem.com/pfe/. When running any of the installers, there will be a moment when the program will seem to be hanging. It does not. You will see in the Task Manager that it takes CPU time. Let it finish.

Source code is the part of OTSProjects.zip. Instructions for building the code are located in OTSProjects/PythonForExcel/distribution. For those to work without changes, the directory OTSProjects should have the absolute path c:\OTSProjects.

1. How to confirm that the PFE did properly install?
2. What to do if the PythonForExcel ControlShell does not activate?
3. The otsPythonForExcel.xla is registered among the Excel add-ins but the ControlShell still does not activate.
4. The Excel macros are operational but the ControlShell still does not activate.

Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007