Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Motivation and design (PFE).
II. Installation of the Python for Excel.
III. Tutorial introduction into the Python for Excel.
IV. PFE Programmer's reference.
1. Direct access to Excel API.
A. Application object (PFE).
B. Workbooks object (PFE).
C. Workbook object (PFE).
D. Worksheets object (PFE).
E. Worksheet object (PFE).
a. Activate method (vba.Worksheet).
b. Calculate method (vba.Worksheet).
c. Cells property (vba.Worksheet).
d. Columns property (vba.Worksheet).
e. CopyAfter method (vba.Worksheet).
f. CopyBefore (vba.Worksheet).
g. Delete method (vba.Worksheet).
h. Dispatch property (vba.Worksheet).
i. Hyperlinks property (vba.Worksheet).
j. Index method (vba.Worksheet).
k. MoveAfter method (vba.Worksheet).
l. MoveBefore method (vba.Worksheet).
m. Name property (vba.Worksheet).
n. Names property (vba.Worksheet).
o. Parent property (vba.Worksheet).
p. Range method (vba.Worksheet).
q. Rows property (vba.Worksheet).
r. Visible property (vba.Worksheet).
F. Range object (PFE).
G. Borders object (PFE).
H. Border object (PFE).
I. Interior object (PFE).
J. Names object (PFE).
K. Name object (PFE).
L. Font object (PFE).
2. Lower level access to Excel API.
3. Event trapping (PFE).
4. Configuration files (PFE).
Index. Contents.

Range method (vba.Worksheet).

he Range method provides access to the cells of the worksheet. There are two overloads. The first version accepts a single string argument that represent the address of the range or an existing range name. The second version accepts two vba.Range objects as arguments. These Range objects mark the upper left and lower right corners of the vba.Range object that the Range method would return.


Index. Contents.

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