Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Motivation and design (PFE).
II. Installation of the Python for Excel.
III. Tutorial introduction into the Python for Excel.
IV. PFE Programmer's reference.
1. Direct access to Excel API.
A. Application object (PFE).
B. Workbooks object (PFE).
C. Workbook object (PFE).
D. Worksheets object (PFE).
E. Worksheet object (PFE).
F. Range object (PFE).
G. Borders object (PFE).
H. Border object (PFE).
I. Interior object (PFE).
J. Names object (PFE).
a. __call__ method (vba.Names).
b. Add method (vba.Names).
c. Count property (vba.Names).
d. Dispatch property (vba.Names).
e. Item method (vba.Names).
f. Parent property (vba.Names).
K. Name object (PFE).
L. Font object (PFE).
2. Lower level access to Excel API.
3. Event trapping (PFE).
4. Configuration files (PFE).
Index. Contents.

Names object (PFE).

he vba.Names object contains collection of names given to cell ranges. Each member of the collection is a vba.Name object.


a. __call__ method (vba.Names).
b. Add method (vba.Names).
c. Count property (vba.Names).
d. Dispatch property (vba.Names).
e. Item method (vba.Names).
f. Parent property (vba.Names).

Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007