Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Installation.
1. Directory structure.
2. Setting up development environment.
A. Windows notes.
a. MSys notes.
b. Boost on Windows notes.
c. STLport notes.
d. MS Visual C++ 7.1 notes.
B. Ubuntu notes.
II. Threading primitives.
III. NonBlockingQueue.
IV. ThreadPool.
V. ThreadMaster.
VI. OTS Scheduler.
VII. Bibliography
Downloads. Index. Contents.

Windows notes.

he following list reflects author's personal software preferences on Windows platform. It should be downloaded and installed in that order because of some interdependencies.

1. 7-zip : packing and unpacking files in various formats.

2. notepad C++: convenient editors with wealth of options.

3. MinGW: free C++ compiler on Windows. It is useful for verification of C++ code portability.

4. Msys: unix-style shell for file finding, grep-ing and running unix-like scripts on Windows.

5. Python and libraries.

6. boost and sltport: principal C++ libraries.

7. Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (.NET 2003).

Set a PATH variable to point to the directory OTSProjects\Libs_msvc71. It contains the dll-dependencies of the project.

Set a PATH variable to point to 7-zip installation.

a. MSys notes.
b. Boost on Windows notes.
c. STLport notes.
d. MS Visual C++ 7.1 notes.

Downloads. Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007