he following list reflects author's personal software preferences on Windows
platform. It should be downloaded and installed in that order because of some
1. 7-zip : packing and unpacking files in various formats.
2. notepad C++: convenient editors with wealth of options.
3. MinGW: free C++ compiler on Windows. It is useful for verification of C++
code portability.
4. Msys: unix-style shell for file finding, grep-ing and running unix-like
scripts on Windows.
5. Python and libraries.
6. boost and sltport: principal C++ libraries.
7. Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (.NET 2003).
Set a PATH variable to point to the directory OTSProjects\Libs_msvc71. It
contains the dll-dependencies of the project.
Set a PATH variable to point to 7-zip installation.