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I. Installation.
II. Threading primitives.
III. NonBlockingQueue.
IV. ThreadPool.
1. ThreadPool prototypes.
2. Acceptance test for the ThreadPool.
V. ThreadMaster.
VI. OTS Scheduler.
VII. Bibliography
Downloads. Index. Contents.

ThreadPool prototypes.

he code below is the public interface of the ThreadPool class.

The lines 7-10 define a light copy-by-value semantics for the class. The instances of the class are intended for local scope usage and passing-by-value. Each local copy points to the same structure.

The executed tasks are supplied to the ThreadPool as boost::function0<void> objects. Such policy is defined by lines 4 and 12. The user must supply exactly the number of Jobs specified in the constructor before calling the run() function.

The onRestart function, line 13, identifies the operation that would be executed when some working thread is restarted.

The exit() function, line 14, commands the ThreadPool to exit next time the executed tasks reach completion or throw.

The run() function, line 15, starts the execution. After the run() is called, the ThreadPool becomes immutable.

The execution would continue even if all ThreadPool objects go out of scope.

1\ class ThreadPool

2\ {

3\ public:

4\ typedef boost::function0<void> Job;

6\ public:

7\ ThreadPool();

8\ explicit ThreadPool( int nThreads );

9\ ThreadPool( const ThreadPool& );

10\ ThreadPool& operator=( const ThreadPool& );

11\ public:

12\ void add( const Job& job );

13\ void onRestart( const Job& job );

14\ void exit();

15\ void run();

16\ bool isRunning() const;

17\ class AlreadyRunningException;

18\ class TooManyJobs;

19\ class WrongNumberOfJobs;

20\ };

Downloads. Index. Contents.

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