Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Installation.
II. Threading primitives.
III. NonBlockingQueue.
1. NonBlockingQueue design.
2. Simplest example with NonBlockingQueue.
3. NonBlockingQueue prototypes.
A. NonBlockingQueue data fields.
B. NonBlockingQueue::push member function.
C. NonBlockingQueue::pop member function.
D. NonBlockingQueue::Element.
E. NonBlockingQueue::Node.
4. Python-based acceptance test of NonBlockingQueue.
IV. ThreadPool.
V. ThreadMaster.
VI. OTS Scheduler.
VII. Bibliography
Downloads. Index. Contents.

NonBlockingQueue::pop member function.

he pop() is written similarly to the push(): we attempt to gain ownership of an Element, then we extract a Node.

The lines 07-22 are almost exactly the code of push(). If we find some Node then we return it and exit (line 16). If we reach line 23 and the fullAccess is true then the queue is empty and we return a dummy first Node of the double linked list. If fullAccess is false then we were forced to skip some node. Hence, we do another pass (lines 25-35) while demanding for exclusive ownership at line 27 (instead of trying for it at line 09). Then we either find some Node and return it (line 32) or establish that the queue is empty and return a dummy Node.

01\template <class Data>

02\ typename NonBlockingQueue<Data>::Node& NonBlockingQueue<Data>::pop() volatile

03\ {

04\ volatile Element* el=get();

05\ int L=circleLength();

06\ bool fullAccess=true;

07\ for( int i=0; i<L; ++i )

08\ {

09\ ElementTryGuard el_(el);

10\ if( el_ )

11\ {

12\ if( !el_->isEmpty() )

13\ {

14\ NodeWriterGuard node_(el_->head().next(el_));

15\ Node::doRemove(el_,node_);

16\ return *node_;

17\ }

18\ }

19\ else

20\ fullAccess=false;

21\ el=el->next();

22\ }

23\ if( fullAccess )

24\ return ElementWriterGuard(get())->head();

25\ for( int i=0; i<L; ++i )

26\ {

27\ ElementWriterGuard el_(el);

28\ if( !el_->isEmpty() )

29\ {

30\ NodeWriterGuard node_(el_->head().next(el_));

31\ Node::doRemove(el_,node_);

32\ return *node_;

33\ }

34\ el=el->next();

35\ }

36\ return ElementWriterGuard(get())->head();

37\ }

Downloads. Index. Contents.

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