Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Motivation and design (PFE).
II. Installation of the Python for Excel.
III. Tutorial introduction into the Python for Excel.
IV. PFE Programmer's reference.
1. Direct access to Excel API.
2. Lower level access to Excel API.
3. Event trapping (PFE).
4. Configuration files (PFE).
A. Controlling individual workbook.
B. ThisWorkbook (PFE).
C. Initialization of add-in namespace.
D. Implementation of ExcelListener.
E. Script execution in response to activation of the ControlShell.
F. Finalization of the add-in.
Index. Contents.

ThisWorkbook (PFE).

he pfe script has access to the object "ThisWorkbook" during its execution. Such object is bound to the workbook that is being opened. ThisWorkbook will disappear after the pfe script finishes. Its not accessible in the other event handlers.

Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007