09/15/2010. Initial version posted.
01/15/2011. Support for Pythons 2.6 and 2.7 was implemented. Installation
utility registers otsPythonForExcel.xla(m) for Offices 2000,2003,2007,2010 and
adds PythonForExcel directory to trusted locations for Offices 2007 and 2010.
03/22/2011. Previously cumbersome notation for in-cell evaluation of Python
statements with string constant has been corrected. Type =pfeEval("
'exampleString' ") to get exampleString in-cell. Type =pfeEval(" 'a\""b' ") to
get a"b in-cell.
09/28/2012. Building process is based on automated generation of make files.
Some dll files now have different naming convention.
11/12/2013. Python for Excel released as an open source library.