Quantitative Analysis
Parallel Processing
Numerical Analysis
C++ Multithreading
Python for Excel
Python Utilities

I. Python Object Browser.
II. Python to R Communicator.
1. Why not use RPy?
2. Example of R communication.
3. Under the hood of Python to R Communicator.
4. Installation procedure for Python to R Communicator.
5. Types of data acceptable by R Communicator.
III. Manipulation of piecewise polynomial functions.
IV. Building C++ projects.
Downloads. Index. Contents.

Installation procedure for Python to R Communicator.

1. Download OTSProjects.zip and extract the files from OTSProjects/python/ots/r_com and OTSProjects/r.

2. Change the first line of the file "pyServer.r" to point the R-variable pyServer.dir to the directory where you want R Communicator to dump temporary files.

3. Change the first line of the file "r_com\_impl\__init__.py" to point the Python-variable _dataDir to the same directory as in the step 2.

4. Make sure that Python finds the r_com directory when executing "import r_com". Alternatively, skip this step but navigate in Python shell to the location of r_com using os.chdir().

5. Make sure that R sources "pyServer.r" on startup. Alternatively, skip this step but source the file "pyServer.r" from R shell manually.

Downloads. Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007