Quantitative Analysis
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Python Utilities

I. Python Object Browser.
1. Implementation of Python Object Browser.
II. Python to R Communicator.
III. Manipulation of piecewise polynomial functions.
IV. Building C++ projects.
Downloads. Index. Contents.

Implementation of Python Object Browser.

he code of the Browser is freely available via the Download link in the python subdirectory. The detailed description and the code follows next.

The lines 1-2 import wxPython library and the tree widget.

The function browse(...), lines 4-12, is the main interface.

Lines 7,10,12 start and kill the "Event loop" of wxPython.

Line 9 is the call to the implementation class.

The displayPrivates argument regulates whether the browser will display fields starting with underscore "_". The displayCallables argument regulates whether the browser will display callable fields (functions). The verboseDict regulates the manner of dictionary visualization.

Lines 17-39 is the initialization code of the ObjectBrowser class.

Lines 22,23 initialize wxPython's Frame and TreeListCtrl classes.

Line 24 binds the event EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED to the method _OnItemExpanded of the ObjectBrowser class.

Lines 25-33 build initial column layout.

Lines 34-37 set initial node of the tree: the main string (line 34), type string (line 35) and callable test (lines 36-37).

Lines 38 is a call to _populateItem function that populates the list of immediate children.

Line 39 is a convenience call to expand the root node.

Lines 41-44 is the function that regulate the appearance of the root node. It is a customization point. The body of this function may be replaced with almost anything. It has to return a string and should not throw.

Lines 46-50 is the function that regulates the commentary string that appears first in the children list of every node. This is a customization point. It has to return a string and should not throw.

Lines 55-144 is the function that inserts a list of children for every given node of the tree. The "parent" argument is the node in question. The exact type is TreeItemId of the wxPython library. The "obj" argument is the object whose fields will constitute the children list.

The groups of cells 57-66, 67-79,...,103-112 specify special handling for string, list, tuple, dictionary, integer and floating point number. Each of these is a call to _addToTree member function that encapsulates access to the TreeListCtrl object. This function is described below.

The cells 113-121 is the default handler.

The cells 122-144 are the principal code that generates the list of fields of the "obj"-given object.

The function _hasValue (lines 146-147) identifies the fields that have a value. It is a customization point. By default it is set to identify integers, floats and strings. However, it can be anything as long as you can supply matching customization of the function _getValueStr that follows next, lines 149-150. These functions should not throw.

The function _addToTree, lines 152-161, adds a single node to the TreeListCtrl. The "parent" argument is the parent node of the added node. The "itemStr" is the main string of the added node. "typeStr" is the type string (second column string). The arguments "isCallableBool" is the data for the third column. The argument "hasChildrenBool" specifies whether the added node will have the expansion sign (+). The argument "treeData" is the associated python object.

The function _hasChildren, lines 164-169, identifies the object that has children in the tree.

The function _OnItemExpanded is an event handler for expansion of a node (user's click on (+) sign).

1\import wx

2\import wx.gizmos


4\def browse(obj,displayPrivates=False,displayCallables=False,verboseDict=False) :

5\ print "OTS Object Browser, www.opentradingsystem.com"

6\ print "Copyright 2009, Konstantin Aslanidi"

7\ _otsObjectBrowserApp = wx.App(False)

8\ try:

9\ ObjectBrowser(obj,displayPrivates,displayCallables,verboseDict).Show()

10\ _otsObjectBrowserApp.MainLoop()

11\ finally:

12\ del _otsObjectBrowserApp



15\class ObjectBrowser:

16\ _toBeExpandedTag="ToBeExpanded"

17\ def __init__(self,obj,displayPrivates,displayCallables,verboseDict):

18\ self._object=obj

19\ self._displayPrivates=displayPrivates

20\ self._displayCallables=displayCallables

21\ self._verboseDict=verboseDict

22\ self._frame=wx.Frame( None, wx.ID_ANY, title="OTS Python Object Browser", size=(500,500))

23\ self._tree = wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl(self._frame, style = wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE \ wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT)

24\ self._frame.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED, self._OnItemExpanded, self._tree)

25\ self._tree.AddColumn("Name")

26\ self._tree.AddColumn("Type")

27\ if self._displayCallables :

28\ self._tree.AddColumn("Callable")

29\ self._tree.SetMainColumn(0)

30\ self._tree.SetColumnWidth(0,200)

31\ self._tree.SetColumnWidth(1,200)

32\ if self._displayCallables :

33\ self._tree.SetColumnWidth(2,200)

34\ root = self._tree.AddRoot(self._rootObjectDescriptor())

35\ self._tree.SetItemText(root, type(self._object).__name__, 1)

36\ if self._displayCallables :

37\ self._tree.SetItemText(root, self._toStr(callable(self._object)), 2)

38\ self._populateItem(root,self._object)

39\ self._tree.Expand(root)


41\ def _rootObjectDescriptor(self) :

42\ if type(self._object)==type("") :

43\ return self._object

44\ return "root"


46\ def _toStr(self,o) :

47\ try :

48\ return o.__str__()

49\ except :

50\ return "__str__() is not defined"


52\ def Show(self) :

53\ self._frame.Show()


55\ def _populateItem(self,parent,obj) :

56\ handled=False

57\ if type(obj)==type(") :

58\ self._addToTree( \

59\ parent=parent, \

60\ itemStr="'"+obj+"'", \

61\ typeStr=type(obj).__name__, \

62\ isCallableBool=False, \

63\ hasChildrenBool=False, \

64\ treeData=None \

65\ )

66\ handled=True

67\ if type(obj)==type([]) or type(obj)==type(()) :

68\ i=0

69\ for x in obj :

70\ self._addToTree( \

71\ parent=parent, \

72\ itemStr='['+self._toStr(i)+']', \

73\ typeStr=", \

74\ isCallableBool=False, \

75\ hasChildrenBool=True, \

76\ treeData=x \

77\ )

78\ i=i+1

79\ handled=True

80\ if type(obj)==type({}) :

81\ i=0

82\ for x in obj :

83\ if self._verboseDict :

84\ self._addToTree( \

85\ parent=parent, \

86\ itemStr='['+self._toStr(x)+']', \

87\ typeStr=", \

88\ isCallableBool=False, \

89\ hasChildrenBool=True, \

90\ treeData=(x,obj[x]) \

91\ )

92\ else :

93\ self._addToTree( \

94\ parent=parent, \

95\ itemStr='['+self._toStr(x)+']', \

96\ typeStr=type(obj[x]).__name__, \

97\ isCallableBool=False, \

98\ hasChildrenBool=True, \

99\ treeData=obj[x] \

100\ )

101\ i=i+1

102\ handled=True

103\ if type(obj)==type(1) or type(obj)==type(0.1) :

104\ self._addToTree( \

105\ parent=parent, \

106\ itemStr=self._toStr(obj), \

107\ typeStr=type(obj).__name__, \

108\ isCallableBool=False, \

109\ hasChildrenBool=False, \

110\ treeData=None \

111\ )

112\ handled=True

113\ if not handled :

114\ self._addToTree( \

115\ parent=parent, \

116\ itemStr=self._toStr(obj), \

117\ typeStr=type(obj).__name__, \

118\ isCallableBool=False, \

119\ hasChildrenBool=False, \

120\ treeData=obj \

121\ )

122\ for item in dir(obj) :

123\ if not self._displayPrivates and item[0]=='_' :

124\ continue

125\ attr=getattr(obj,item)

126\ if not self._displayCallables and callable(attr) :

127\ continue

128\ ni=self._addToTree( \

129\ parent=parent, \

130\ itemStr=item, \

131\ typeStr=type(attr).__name__, \

132\ isCallableBool=callable(attr), \

133\ hasChildrenBool=self._hasChildren(attr), \

134\ treeData=attr \

135\ )

136\ if self._hasValue(attr) :

137\ self._addToTree( \

138\ parent=ni, \

139\ itemStr=self._getValueStr(attr), \

140\ typeStr=", \

141\ isCallableBool=False, \

142\ hasChildrenBool=False, \

143\ treeData=attr \

144\ )


146\ def _hasValue(self,attr) :

147\ return type(attr)==type(1) or type(attr)==type(0.1) or type(attr)==type(")


149\ def _getValueStr(self,attr) :

150\ return self._toStr(attr)


152\ def _addToTree(self,parent,itemStr,typeStr,isCallableBool,hasChildrenBool,treeData) :

153\ newItem=self._tree.AppendItem(parent,itemStr)

154\ self._tree.SetItemText(newItem,typeStr,1)

155\ if self._displayCallables :

156\ self._tree.SetItemText(newItem,isCallableBool.__str__(),2)

157\ if not treeData is None :

158\ self._tree.SetItemPyData(newItem,treeData)

159\ if hasChildrenBool :

160\ self._tree.AppendItem(newItem,self._toBeExpandedTag)

161\ return newItem



164\ def _hasChildren(self,obj) :

165\ for item in dir(obj) :

166\ if not self._displayPrivates and item[0]=='_' :

167\ continue

168\ return True

169\ return False


171\ def _OnItemExpanded(self, evt):

172\ item=evt.GetItem()

173\ child=self._tree.GetFirstChild(item)[0]

174\ if self._tree.GetItemText(child,0)==self._toBeExpandedTag :

175\ self._tree.DeleteChildren(item)

176\ obj=self._tree.GetItemPyData(item)

177\ self._populateItem(item,obj)

Downloads. Index. Contents.

Copyright 2007